Features for you as the administrator (partial list)
Management of releases and media files

Create and manage your releases, music titles, release covers, video clips, booklets, press photos, biographies, PDF documents, and much more.
- Extensive metadata: Store additional information about all your releases, including descriptions, label information, catalog and article numbers, licensed territories or release dates.
- Links to external websites: Easily add related websites to your releases. Set links to such informative things as the artist’s website or their YouTube, Facebook and Instagram pages.
- External videos: Easily insert external YouTube and Vimeo videos into the info pages of your releases.
- Import: Rapidly and directly import your existing music catalog into iPool.
- Export: Export individual releases or even your entire music catalog any time you like.
User management

Decide who has access to your music titles.
With user management, you can record and administrate all your media and business partners who are to have access to your music. The user management is also an excellent web-based contact database, which is available to you and your colleagues from any computer with access to the Internet.
- Save and edit addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, websites and a lot more.
- Record the type of media contact.
- Import the contact data for your media and business partners fast and easy: iPool can import your existing contact data from numerous popular programs (such as Outlook, GMail), from almost any Excel or CSV file, from simple lists of e-mail addresses, or you can use copy and paste to import contact data from the clipboard.
- Delete users or temporarily block user accounts.
Automated delivery via FTP

Deliver to your media and business partners automatically and securely via FTP (File Transfer Protocol), the open standard for file transfers.
This feature turns iPool into a valuable tool for delivering directly to music download shops online - without transferring rights or expensive licensing fees to an aggregator. Simply conclude a direct sales agreement with music download shops and you can deliver to them via FTP in a flash. You can even supply radio stations via FTP in an uncomplicated manner. In addition to pure audio files, you can also transmit many other files such as cover images, video clips, and meta data.
Download logs and statistical analysis

Track your recipients' reactions: You can access and view an extremely useful log overview for each release. This is your first place to go in order to easily identify the recipients who reacted to a release and those who did not.
The log overview shows you all the recipients who have or had access to a selected release. Discover at a glance how and when each recipient reacted to a release. You can also instantly see when recipients first reacted to the release and if they received a newsletter about that release.
You can also effortlessly identify those recipients who have not yet reacted to a release. Use this information to your advantage in follow-up phone calls and e-mails.
- Download Logs: Monitor which user has downloaded which music titles and when. From now on, you will always know who has already received your music titles.
- Statistical analysis: We've also integrated a statistical analysis of the downloads into iPool so that you can quickly get an idea of your recipients' downloading behavior for each release.
- Export: With iPool, you can easily export all download logs as a CSV file. You can then view, sort and edit the CSV file with your favorite spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel.
Contact data with update verification

From now on, your contact database will always be up-to-date.
Your media and business partners can edit their contact data themselves at any time. After verifying the updated information, all you need to do is to approve or reject the changes. Thus, you dispense with the painstaking task of entering changed contact data.
Application form

Easily expand your contact database.
The application form enables prospective media and business partners to apply to be accepted into your iPool. Thus, you completely dispense with the time-consuming task of entering contact data. Upon receipt of an application, iPool will automatically notify you by e-mail. After reviewing the application, all you need to do is to approve or reject it. Again, iPool will automatically send out e-mails to keep your amount of work at a very manageable level.
Pools management

Define your own user categories, such as ”download shops”, ”V.I.P.”, ”A-list”, ”B-list”, ”C-list” etc., which are called ”pools” in iPool. Specify which users belong to which pools. Thereafter, you can activate releases exclusively for specific user pools or quickly locate pool members.
Upload files fast and easy

Create and edit tracklists within minutes.
- Easily upload your music files in one go with your browser, Windows Explorer, or an FTP program.
- iPool stores a large amount of information for each of your tracks, such as the title, length, file format, ISRC and tempo.
- Save lots of time and work: iPool extracts most of the meta data from your files “automagically” so that you don’t have to tediously input it by hand.
- Conveniently edit track lists by clicking in the fields and entering the desired information.
Watermark protection for MP3 files

Protect your music titles against illegal spreading.
Via our groundbreaking watermarking technology, iPool can embed an individual watermark into each downloaded MP3 file1. If you find one of your music titles in a sharing network, you can now trace back the originator. Our watermark protection is inaudible for human ears, very robust and endures even conversions.
Sophisticated newsletter functions

Quickly and easily send attractive newsletters to your media and business partners.
- Newsletters with graphic elements: Easily insert graphic elements such as logos, cover artworks, headlines and key facts.
- Newsletters with plain text: Alternatively, you can also send simple newsletters that consist of plain text.
- Send out personalized e-mails by using placeholders that iPool replaces, for example, with the first name of each individual recipient.
- Send targeted newsletters: Inform recipients within designated countries, specific user groups or pools. Or with just one click of the mouse you can exclude all the contacts that you have already informed about a release.
- Multiple releases in a single newsletter: Easily send newsletters that contain one or more releases at a time.
- Convenient access for your recipients: Now all that your media and business partners have to do is simply click a cover image or the “Open This Promo” button in your newsletter. The release then opens immediately in your recipient’s browser with all the relevant features, including preview, download, provide feedback, and many more.
- To give your music added protection, you can also send newsletters that require recipients to log in before they can access the release.
- Follow-up e-mails: Send e-mails in only a few clicks to all those users who either took or didn’t take selected actions for a specific release. You can send e-mails, for example, to all users who have already downloaded a given release. Or remind by e-mail all those users who have not responded to or left feedback about a release. It’s very easy to do and requires only a couple of clicks.
- Templates: Create e-mail templates and reuse these for future mailings.
- Mail outbox: Always retain an overview of sent e-mails via the mail outbox.
- A progressive mailing algorithm ensures that your e-mails are rarely filtered out by the recipients' spam filters.
- Thorough analysis of your e-mail domain: iPool continuously analyzes your e-mail address domain to determine if it is optimally configured for sending e-mails. If the SPF record is not in order, you will receive a warning notice when sending e-mails. The warning notice includes instructions on how you should modify the SPF record for your e-mail domain.
Access lists and access rights

Specify exactly who should have what access to which release.
Access lists are an extremely valuable tool you can use for targeting your promotional activities with the utmost precision. Specify for each release exactly who should have access to it. This makes the approval for specific user groups just as practicable as for individually defined pools, selected users, those from specific countries, users with particular genre preferences, and for the ones who provide tips for music charts.
What’s more, you can set which access rights each recipient should have: view releases, preview tracks, download tracks, and/or download other files. This means, for example, that you can decide that radio stations will have full access rights while journalists are only allowed to stream.
If you like, you can also activate individual releases, or all the releases, for access by unregistered public users. Doing so lets you give everyone quick and easy access to your music without having to register or log in.
Extensive feedback functions

- Receive direct feedback from your media partners. All your media partners can give their opinions using feedback forms. The information collected is analysed by iPool on a continuous basis and presented to you in a graphic form. Moreover, you can look at each individual response so that you always know who has reviewed which music title and how they liked it.
- See at a glance which releases your recipients like the most. You can see the average rating for each release right on the overview page of your releases.
- Find out quickly which recipients like your music best. iPool's user view allows you to see the average opinion of each single recipient. You can also view which users are particularly active in submitting feedback.
- Enable downloads of your music only for recipients who submit feedback. If you would like, you can configure iPool so that specific users can only download tracks after the release has been rated. If this setting is a bit extreme for your tastes, you can also configure iPool so that every media and business partner that hasn't provided feedback is blocked from being able to download your audio tracks after some time.
- Respond promptly and directly to feedback from your media and business partners: You can find an “E-Mail” button located next to each feedback about your releases. Just click one of these to send an e-mail to that particular recipient. Simply brilliant: iPool will automatically insert an appropriate subject line along with the recipient’s feedback as a quotation in your e-mail reply.
- Export the feedback forms into an Excel or CSV file for further processing, for example in spreadsheet software such as Excel or LibreOffice.
- Create engaging feedback reports as a PDF file. You will find this to be an extremely useful feature for sharing your recipients’ feedback with others, who do not have access to your iPool. And you can conveniently archive all the accumulated feedback on your computer. Numerous options allow you to easily adapt the feedback reports to suit your individual desires.
1 For technical reasons, the bitrate of watermark protected MP3 files is limited to 256 kBit/s. System requirement: PC running Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.